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Mind full and mindful

When I trained as a meditation coach, I felt like I was a failure.

Zen meditation is what most people think of as meditation. Sitting quietly, emptying your head, spending hours in a Zen space not being disturbed.

Who on earth can do that??!

Not me. I can't empty my head. It does not work for me.

And then there is that mind full OR mindful. One or the other. Mind full is bad, messy, crowded, confused. Mindful is the apparent goal.

Mind full is my constant. Does that make me bad?

The way most people think of meditation and mindfulness is made for neurotypical people. This means we need to try different types of meditation to find what works. It also means that it takes practice and perseverance. Finally, it means that it is not about mind full OR mindful, rather it is mind full AND mindful. Finding some space within the noise, being able to take a few deep breaths.

And never feeling like you have failed. All that has happened is that you have tried something and found that it needs to be adapted or it isn't quite right for you.

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